Monday, November 7, 2011

Prepping For Registration

  A bunch of the bloggers have been prepping for registration and telling their registration stories, and I thought I would add mine!  As freshmen, we register for the Fall Semester at Summer Registration Day.  This is a day that is set aside for freshmen to register and it involves a temporary advisor, and they walk you through the steps.  This Friday coming up will be the first time I register alone.  Of course, I have tons of support.  I have my academic advisor who helped me to make sure I was eligible for all of my classes.  My softball team held a team meeting regarding classes.  I really liked the team meeting because I got some great advice from upperclassmen who have already gone through what I am going through.  I also have all of my awesome friends who are, like me a little stressed about registering.  I actually register on the last day, on Friday.  Registration starts at 7 am because it is the most fair time, and people don't have classes or events that conflict with the time slot.  My plan of attack is this:

1. Set 10 alarms.  I do NOT want to over sleep through registration.
2. Wake up and get coffee
3. Relax!! Tell myself everything will work out
4. Set my schedule and at 7:02 hit submit and pray to the registration gods that I get my dream schedule
5. Rejoice because I got my dream schedule and everything worked out the way I wanted it to!
6. Laugh at myself for being so stressed
7. Go back to bed

  My dream schedule looks a little something like this:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
8:10-9:40  - Behavioral Neural Psychology
9:50- 10:50 - Philosophy 101 Honors
12:10-1:10 - Lit Studies: Road Trips

Tuesday, Thursday
1:10-2:40 - History of Modern Ireland

The good thing about being an Exploratory major is a dream schedule that looks like that.  I can basically take whatever classes I so choose as long as they fulfill an Liberal Studies Requirement.

That's all for now.  Hopefully my registration will go off as planned!

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