Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Registration Saga

My last post was about prepping for registration so I thought I would make this one about how it actually went.

I woke up on time and I was wide awake.  This is very rare. Usually, I wake up and it takes a while until I can be considered aware, but I think I was excited and nervous to register so I was on my game.  I took a shower.  For those of you following along at home, I know this wasn't in the initial game plan.  I felt I really needed to be refreshed before I registered and I woke up way too early so it made perfect sense.

When I got out of the shower, it was 6:20. I got dressed, braided my hair and took some deep breaths.  At 6:35, I realized that Michaela was not awake.  I went and knocked on her door. It turns out her alarm didn't go off properly.  Good thing we decided we would wake each other up in case of something like that!

Now it was time to get down to business.  Michaela, Ally and I sat out in the hallway and prepared for 7:00.  For me, this included sprinting up and down the hallway a couple of times...registration makes me crazy.

Ally had the seconds timer going so we would know right when 7:00 hit. I checked all of my classes and hit submit.  Apparently, my classes were extremely popular.  I only got into Philosophy and Lit Studies the first time around.  Also, my back-ups must have been extremely popular!  By the time that I could get back to try and register for them, they were full as well.

I was freaking out.

I couldn't find any classes that worked.  I was only 2 for 4.  I had class with my advisor later in the day so I decided I would talk to him then.  After class, I met with my advisor. (Side note about the awesomeness of my advisor: It was his wedding anniversary and he was still at school after class, after his office hours, helping out his advisees figure out their lives).

My advisor told me I could re-register on the next day to get into my back-ups.  He also helped me to petition into my psychology class.  I registered the next day and got into Anthropology!

I am currently officially registered into 3 classes.  I am going to be petitioning into my fourth and hopefully that will work itself out this week.

The moral of this story is to focus on the amazing support that Saint Michael's provides.  I thought I was dropping out of college (kidding...alittle) and my advisor totally calmed me down and helped me fix it.

When I get my fourth class all squared away, I will post my official schedule for next semester!

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